Well, this is embarrassing,...it seems I haven't posted since...May? Yikes!
I really don't have much of an excuse.
I mean, Rienna and I did go on a week-long trip to Pennsylvania, but that doesn't constitute for this extended hiatus. (Sorry, TOP fans...)
This post will be short, not because I don't have a lot to say, but because most of it you'd find boring and inconsequential (dang! Where are these big words coming from?).
Anyways....What have I been up to?
Well....I have applied to a few colleges. Not sure what I want to do exactly, most likely something to do with music. Possibly teach piano.
I've been working on my writing with Rienna and getting into impossible shenanigans with her too!
Last month we joined a swim class that meets early in the morning (I have no idea why we chose the early morning class! There was a night class...).
I suppose it's been a good discipline, because I'm really not much of an early morning person. That's Rienna.
Also, I'm slightly terrified on the pool. The 'pool', you say? Not the ocean?
Yes. The pool. Explanation: the pool, early in the morning or late at night, or really anytime, resembles an epic place for a drowning.
My imagination tends to run haywire and I keep imagining the Titanic.
Hold a second! The Titanic?
Yes. The Titanic had swimming pools too and now they're on the bottom of the sea.
Do you see where this is going?
Swimming pools>Titanic>bottom of ocean>fear of pools>fear of drowning.
The first day, I had a major panic attack before I even got close to the pool, which is weird for me, because I can't remember the last time, bar the bee incident, that I got a panic attack, but this just drew it from me like a vampire sucking blood from an unwilling victim.
(Okay....so weird analogy....moving on!)
I almost ran away, and I would have, if not for Rienna.
Rienna. Gosh, I love her.
Sincerely, the most kind, thoughtful, loving person, and she's my friend! How did this happen?
Rienna was able to calm me down and, guys,...I actually got in the water! And, I swam!
I mean, I actually did it!
I was terrified, but I did it!
Also, speaking of Rienna, I'm supposed to go and meet with her at 9:00 today, so I better go and make sure kitty (really gotta give that little guys a name...) and Casey Jr. aren't fighting or, worse....kitty isn't trying to eat Casey Jr...
Talk to you all later!