Saturday, February 24, 2018

A Bird, A Blog Post, A Visitor and Chaotic Me

 Good Morning! *shushes self* Be quiet! You're gonna wake up the house again!

 Oh hi there! I just thought it was me and Casey Jr. (that's my parakeet. The one that just decided to fly on my head. Yup. That one.

 Off Casey. Thank you.)

 Where was I?

 Oh yeah!

            Welcome to my house!

              Sorry for the mess. Last night was chaotic. Rienna and I stayed up and watched way too much Doctor Who and played countless games of Apples to Apples. (That game is too much fun!)

 I'm just gonna shift this pile *grabs pile of cards and dvds* over here. There. I promise I'll clean it up later.

     So, I just got up about half an hour ago. I made some hot chocolate and there is plenty, so please help yourself.

 There's mugs in the kitchen and mini marshmallows and whip cream in the fridge.

 *Grabs several blankets and envelops self in a cocoon* *Sits back down at desk*

 So, I'm just reading my friend's blog, because Rienna is still asleep and can't share it with me.

 Anyways, I'm glad you stopped by. Happy Saturday!

 Sorry, got off track.

 So, my friend's blog is . She writes fan fiction, mostly Twenty-One Pilots related as well as her own stuff. She's pretty talented.

 My friend's name is Trinity and she is currently writing a story about a girl named Gladys who struggles with depression.

 Her stories have some pretty dark stuff in them. Totally realistic, but not for the faint of heart.

 Today's blog post was no exception. Horrible things have happened and now I'm waiting for Rienna to get up so I can talk the post over with her.

 It's almost 8:00 a.m. so she should be up soon.

 If this is one of those days that she sleeps in until 10:00 I might have to go over to her house and wake her up myself. I might go mad in the meantime.

 So glad you stopped by or else I would have.

 Alright, I'm getting off. Let's go make breakfast.

 Pancakes sound good, right?

 Then if Rienna's not up, we can go over and get her up together.



It's breakfast time!


Monday, February 19, 2018

My Rainy Day

It's raining cats and dogs today (well not really, that would be ridiculously hilarious). So, I'm stuck inside until it stops.

 Hopefully,  Rienna will come over soon and we can do something,although knowing Rienna, it will most likely involve splashing in puddles until we're both soaked. (She's awesome that way.)

 Until then, I guess I'll try to finish up that 1,000 piece puzzle, the one with the parakeets.

 My mom is still sleeping, because it's like 7:43 in the morning and for some reason I'm up.

 I guess I could catch up on homework, but it's President's Day. I want to do something fun! But until Rienna wakes up, I guess I'll have to pester my parakeet, Casey Jr. (I named him after the little engine in Dumbo. He's a yellow parakeet and my profile picture.)

 Casey Jr. is sleeping in his cage right now, but I hear the pitter patter of his feet moving around, so I guess he's up, underneath that sheet.

 I'm going downstairs to make some hot cocoa. Hopefully, we have marshmallows. If not, I may have to brave the rain and cold to go and get some.

Talk to you all later,


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Introverted Ramblings

 Hello again.

                   So, let me give you a brief picture of my life. Brief, mind you.

 I live in the city close to my best friend, Rienna. I've only moved about two times because of house problems (mold, fire, etc.).

 When I was younger I had one good friend who I did everything with. She succumbed to illness when I was eleven and I didn't meet Rienna until I was about fifteen.

 And now we are thick as thieves as the saying goes.

 I'm home-schooled and have been since pre-school. I've played the piano since I was about eight and am planning on taking it in college when I'm finished with high-school.

 I do not have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social media account (although my Rienna has constantly pestered me to join her on Twitter. Who knows? One day I might).

 I'm a recent convert to the Skeleton Clique. I started listening to Twenty-One Pilots after I met Rienna (The girl knows some good music, what can I say?).

I also love listening to classical music. (Dvorak is my favorite! I love his "New World Symphony.")

 My favorite T.V. show is BBC's Doctor Who and my biggest accomplishment is passing my love of this show on to Rienna.

I like to write short stories, but so far I have nothing published. Up until recently, I haven't had the courage to share them to the world. (Rienna and I are working on a short story together which will be on her blog  soon.)

Okay. I'm freaking out because this is as much talking I've done all morning and it's only 9:10 am.

Perhaps I'll write more later.

-Thanks for listening to the ramblings of an introvert.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Introduction to an Introvert

So, as you might have guessed, I'm an introvert. Yes. Introvert. That's me.

  My friends call me Ellie, so I guess you can too.

If you've been to my friend's blog RiennaB and read her first blog post you might notice that she has a sort of questionnaire titled "Comfy Questions." My friend's post

 I'm going to answer those questions in this post so please bear with me.

 1. How do you drink your tea?
 A: I like to drink my tea with a lot of honey and a little lemon, because...reasons. (Honey is delicious.)

2. Favorite dessert?
A: Umm...? Chocolate cake. Definitely chocolate cake.

3. Favorite season and why?
A: My favorite season is Fall because I love Thanksgiving and hanging out with good friends and family. (And by good friends, I mean Rienna, because...introverted.)

4. What cheers you up?
A: Rienna cheers me up. Oh! and Twenty One Pilots music. You make think this is weird, but their music means so much more than what it seems like. Listen closely.

5. Dogs or cats?
A: I personally love birds, but if I had to pick between dogs or cats? I really like dogs.

6. What's your dream holiday?
A: Going to the beach for a whole week (but a secluded beach) with Rienna.

7. How many kids do you want?
A: I'm not sure yet...I'll have to get back to you on this.

8. Favorite weather?
A: 75 degrees Farenheit and sunny.

9. What would your last meal be?
A: Sounds so morbid...but I guess it would be...macaroni and cheese (do not judge me. You've never had my mom's macaroni and cheese. Heaven...)

10. You can spend twenty-four hours anywhere, any year. Where do you choose?
A: Ancient Greece has always fascinated me, so I suppose I'd like to go there, particularly ancient Troy, if such a place existed.

11.  If you were a ghost, who or where would you haunt?
A: I'd haunt my friend, Rienna when she goes to a Twenty One Pilots concert. Why? I could be in a crowd without them seeing me and only Rienna would know I was there because she's Rienna.

12. What is your family ancestry?
A: I suspect my family has some English/Italian heritage but it's never been confirmed.

13. What scares you?
A: Crowds, and large spiders.

14. What are you most grateful for?
A: Rienna! She is the most awesome, caring friend anyone could ever have. I love her to pieces.

15. Dream job?
A: This is going to sound really weird, because technically, it's not real and isn't actually a job, but...since it's a dream job....I'd really like to be The Doctor's companion (Doctor Who, Doctor).

16. Do you believe in aliens?
A: Maybe....

17. Favorite sport?
A: I like running and rock climbing.

18. How do you relax after a long day?
A: I like to watch movies with Rienna and play musical duets with her.

19. If you could meet one historical figure, who would you choose and why?
A: Do Twenty One Pilots count as historical figures? I know there are two of them, but I can't imagine one without the other. I'd like to meet them and tell them what their music means to me.

20. If you had to be a teacher, what subject would you teach?
A: mom is my teacher and so...she's a really good teacher, by the way. She is teaching me piano and I really like it, so if I had to be a teacher, possibly....piano?

21. Describe your perfect day.
A: My perfect day would be spent with Rienna. We would probably go to the beach and accidentally run into Twenty One Pilots.

22. Describe yourself in a sentence.
A: "The Introverted Paradox."

23. Who makes you laugh the most?
A: Twenty One Pilots (have you ever seen their videos?) and Rienna.

24. What superpower would you choose?
A: Invisibility.

25. Favorite animal?
A: Starfish.

26. Biggest accomplishment?
A: Getting my friend (Rienna) into Doctor Who. Hehehe....

Here are three bonus points:

  • I'm homeschooled.
  • I hate bananas.
  • Once I spilled a bowl of chocolate cake mix all over myself. Tasted good, but those clothes were ruined. (I'm kind of clumsy sometimes.)
So this is me.


I'm going now....


*Disappears under blanket.*